Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Lecanora conizaoides, Devilla Forest, Fife

On Scots Pine. Very impoverished flora found with lots of Hypogymnia physodes and precious little else. Even an elder had barely a square cm of Xanthoria. no Physcia. Proximity of the power station? Will it be different ten years after the station closes?

Pd - red/orange

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Cleish Hills, Cowden Cottage, NT1096, 22/04/2017

Not Fife as such but VC85 nevertheless. Some lovely Bryoria and some nice other bits and bobs too

Usnea hairpiece

Porpidia crustulata


Peltigera membranacea
Ochrolechia androgyna

Bryoria fuscescens

Hypogymnia physodes

Hypecenomyce scalaris

Cystocoleus ebeneus

Baeomyces rufus
Acrocordia salweyi

Chaenotheca ferruginea with fruit

Chaenotheca ferruginea spores

Thursday, 20 April 2017

St.Margaret's burn, Quarry

A small hazel woodland on the edges of a burn in NW Fife (VC85) and a sandstone quarry

Monday, 9 January 2017

Downing Point views

A collecting page for various views of the Point

from Donibristle Bay

Xanthoparmelia mougeotii on Downing Point, Dalgety Bay

Beautiful muted colour palette spread nicely across a wide area of rock, where it's obviously pretty happy

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Arthonia varians - Kinghorn 29/12/2016

Probably the first record for mainland Fife, this parasite of Lecanora rupicola is said to be on most populations of the host. First time I've seen it though

The two main lichens in the pic are Ochrolechia parella (left) and Lecanora rupicola (right). The Arthonia is the small black parasite living on the apothecia of the Lecanora!

Lichen wars - Kinghorn 29/12/2016

When Tephromela atra and Ochrolechia parella aren't getting along this is what happens!

Is it a chemical defence from the Ochrolechia to fend off its attacker or is the Tephromela doing a bit of poisoning?